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STAR Member Publications

Recent publications of our STAR members

The following articles or books have been published recently by members of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society. The complete reference to each publication is provided and, where available, an abstract is included.

All STAR members can post their new books/papers here (up to 2 years after publications). If you are a STAR member and would like to announce your recent publications here, please contact Petra Buchwald.

Buchwald, Petra (2010). Test anxiety and performance in the framework of the conservation of resources theory. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 14, 283-293.
Bertrams, A., Englert, C., & Dickhäuser, O. (2010). Self-control strength in the relation between trait test anxiety and state anxiety. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 738-741.
Frydenberg, E. (2010). Think Positively: A Course for Developing Coping Skills in Adolescents. London: Continuum. Flyer “Think positively
Buchwald, P. (2010). Impact of Assessment on Students’ Test Anxiety. In Eva Baker, Penelope Peterson and Barry McGaw (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.
Arkin, R.M., Oleson, K.C., & Carroll, P.J. Handbook of the Uncertain Self (2009). New York & Hove, Psychology Press (Taylor and Francis).

The Handbook is a compendium of contemporary research that is cross-disciplinary yet focused on the self – when it seeks uncertainty, or responds to uncertainty – about its own standing. The work is strongly inspired by work on test anxiety, social anxiety, shyness, loss aversion, and other concepts.

Flyer “Thriving, Surviving, or Going Under: Coping with Everyday Lives”

Frydenberg, E. (2008). Adolescent Coping: Advances in Theory, Research and Practice. London: Routledge.