The annual STAR conferences provide a unique opportunity to learn, not just about research findings and clinical applications on a wide range of stress and anxiety-related phenomena, but also how related knowledge is collected and applied throughout the world.
STAR has been exceedingly active in providing an opportunity to share research and clinical findings in an international forum. STAR’s first scientific conference was held in Leiden, the Netherlands, in 1980. Since that time, annual meetings have been hosted in some of the world’s most beautiful cities. The list of locations includes Australia, Asian destinations such as Hong Kong, the Middle East including Israel and Egypt, the Dominican Republic, and European countries such as Germany, Scotland, Belgium, Norway, Italy, Hungary, Spain, the Czech Republic, and Greece.
The annual STAR conferences provide a platform for major addresses by internationally known scholars, paper and poster sessions, as well as workshops. The conferences are relatively small, with approximately 200 to 300 participants, which means that close collegial relationships are easily established. Because there is, typically, a high rate of attendance by STAR members, these contacts are readily maintained.