Awards of the Stress, Trauma, Anxiety, and Resilience Society

The STAR Society presents annual awards in three different categories. If not stated otherwise, the annual deadline for submissions is February 28th.
Submissions should include a cover letter with your mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address and be sent as an email attachment.
Please send your submission and address any queries to:
Prof. Dr. Paulina Arenas-Landgrave
1. STAR Lifetime Career Award
This award is presented annually to honour a current member of the STAR society who has a long and distinguished history of scientific contributions to one or more of the following areas: stress, coping, emotions and health.
Nominees must be (a) either 20 years past the granting of their doctoral degree or at least 50 years old at the time of nomination, and (b) a Member of STAR. The award recipient will be asked to serve on a committee to select subsequent award winners.
Anyone, including a candidate him or herself, may nominate a stress researcher for the award. Nomination material includes: (a) nominee’s curriculum vitae and (b) name, address, phone, fax, and email of nominator and nominee.
Previous recipients of this award are:
Charles Spielberger (1998), Ralf Schwarzer (1999), Irwin Sarason (2000), Charles Carver (2001), Stevan Hobfoll (2002), Moshe Zeidner (2003), Jeri Benson (2004), Kazimierz Wrzesniewski (2005), Esther Greenglass, Knut Hagvet (2006), Christine Schwarzer (2007), Kornel Sipos (2008), Michael Eysenck (2009), Juhani Julkunen (2010), Krys Kaniasty (2011), Volker Hodapp (2012), Erica Frydenberg (2013), Kate Moore (2014), Tony Winefield (2015), Petra Buchwald (2016), Emilia Lucio (2017), Linda Jones (2018), Francisco Javier Pérez Pareja (2019), Albert Sesé (2020), Moshe Israelashvili (2021)
2. STAR Early Career Award
This award was established to honour early career achievement in the science of stress research.
Nominees must be (a) not older than 40 years at the time of nomination, and (b) a Member of STAR. The award recipient will be asked to serve on a committee to select subsequent award winners.
Anyone, including a candidate him or herself, may nominate a stress researcher for the award. Nomination material includes: (a) nominee’s curriculum vitae; (b) three major papers or publications; (c) 1 – 2 letters of support; and (d) name, address, phone, fax, and email of nominator and nominee.
revious recipients of this award are:
Joachim Stöber (1999), Emine Erktin (2000), Nazanin Derakshan (2001), Hector Gonzalez-Ordi (2002), Iva Stuchlikova (2003), Aleksandra Luszczynska (2004), Urte Scholz (2005), Nina Knoll (2006), Brian Hughes (2007), Albert Sese (2008), Eva Kallay (2009), Amelie Wiedemann (2009), Jian Li (2010), Lisa M. Warner (2011), Laura Visu-Petra (2012), Michelle Moulds (2013), Anna Phillips (2014), Amit Shirar (2015), Brian Hall (2017), Siobhán Howard (2018), Frances Hoferichter (2019), Alexandre Heeren (2020), Alvaro Sanchez Lopez (2021), Rachel Arnold (2022)
3. STAR Student Development Award
The STAR society offers a student paper competition for the best paper on stress, anxiety and coping in theory, practice or research. It is a condition of the award that the recipient attends the STAR conference to receive their award.
- Free registration for the STAR conference (including conference dinner)
- Free STAR membership for 1 year
- Enhancement of curriculum vitae and international recognition.
- Plaque presented at the conference dinner of the annual STAR conference
- Paper will be reviewed for publication in STAR’s annual book series
Nominees must submit a paper to the committee, based on work conducted by the first author during his/her graduate studies. The paper should be anonymized and formatted in APA style. Papers can be based on (but are not restricted to) Master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation. The paper may be a published or an unpublished manuscript. In cases of multiple authorships, which recognise supervisor’s contributions, the nominee must be the first author.
Submissions should include a cover letter with the nominee’s mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address and be sent as an email attachment.
Previous recipients of this award are:
Tobias Ringeisen (2006), Brian Hall (2007), Shira Freedman (2008), Paulina Arenas Landgrave (2010), Ricardo J. Teixeira (2011), Dorota Reis (2012), Éanna D. O’ Leary (2013), Nick Berggren (2014), Clíodhna O’Connor (2015), Anna Wlodarczyk (2016), Norman B. Mendozaa (2017), Christian Heckel (2018), Shani Pitcho-Prelorentzos (2018), Grace McMahon (2019), Lia Ring (2019), Annelise Blanchard (2020), Tracey Keogh (2021), Julija Gečaitė-Stončienė (2022)
4. STAR Distinguished Spielberger Address
Previous speakers are:
Stevan Hobfoll (2009), Michael W. Eysenck (2010), Charles S. Carver (2011), Volker Hodapp (2012), Esther Greenglass (2013), Knut Hagvet (2014), Nazanin Derakhshan (2016), Kate Moore (2017), Erica Frydenberg (2018), Ralf Schwarzer (2019)